
    Product Product You have my protection
    Product Product You have my protection
    Home page Product Cardio and Neuro Vascular Coronary Intervention EXCROSSAL


    -Innovative CHROMA stent platform with cobalt chromium alloy

    -Strut thickness only 84um

    -Classic rapamycin

    -Optimized drug dosage

    -Potential faster healing process without affecting restenosis rate

    -Unique formulated biodegradable polylactic acid(PLA) coating as drug carrier, which will degrade completely into CO2&H2O in 6-9 month with reduced chronic inflammatory reactions

    -Effective reduction of the risk of in-stent ST/VLST


    -Targeted drug release via abluminal biodegradable coating

    -Larger side branch access with better operation experience

    -More complete specifications and sizes give clinicians more better selections

